1st class riffs and musings

Monday, March 05, 2007

Perspectives March 5th 2007

Unabashed Coaching and Consulting

One of the things about coaching is that it’s the opposite of consulting. When you hire a consultant you hire an expert – you hire answers. But a coach is paid not to know. In fact, I used to have business cards that said, “I don’t know… I really don’t know.” I am hired to ask questions so that you discover that you know or that you can know. My internet coaching is, I confess, partially consulting, because I do know a lot of answers – and I’m still learning like crazy. But my coaching value lies in your knowledge – it’s mutual – we learn from each other.

One of the reasons this is my theme today is that I am really grappling to integrate this new view of the universe I have. Sometimes I pretend that I know. This is a common issue for me. What keeps me sane (that is - grappling) is that I occasionally listen to different media-heads whose job it is to adopt the pretense that they know – or that they are ‘above having to know--- they simply judge.’

Okay – what is this view? Where has it come from and where do I think it’s going? Let’s see if I can do some organizing:
*** I really didn’t grasp anything about my stewardship of Earth, of all of it. This began when I made a commitment to support creating the sustainable end of hunger. Still, I was mostly concerned with me and was willing to be part of that movement – even to own it. But I didn’t truly get it until I did the “Awakening the Dreamer” Symposium. When I saw “The Universe Story” (by Neil Rogin, from the writings of Thomas Merton and Brian Swimme) I began to really see our fundamental relatedness, our true interconnectivity.
*** Then I saw “What The Bleep” (do we know?) and “Mindwalk” which see the world through the lens of quantum mechanics and raise some fundamental questions.
*** And then I saw “The Secret,” which I’ve written a bit about. Simply stated, I can see the Law of Attraction as fundamental – and again, our relatedness and interconnectivity are clear.
I thought it was an enormous step to see myself not just as “myself,” but now… I’m grappling.
I got it. We’re fundamentally interconnected. So how does that affect how I live? I’ll keep writing about what I see, because it’s useful for me and will hopefully be valuable for you.

Thursday evening, March 15th, from 7:30 – 8:30 is START night –living a sustainable life in a sustainable world.
The number is 1-218 936 6666 access: 998765#

If you want to use this article (or any of my articles) in your Ezine, newsletter or website, you can – as long as you include this bio with it:
Michael Lipp, MS, coach and author provides innovative and profitable strategies to entrepreneurs, seniors, and people committed to sustainability and/or creativity. My website is being redesigned – Write me at michaellipp@1stclasscoaching.com

Useful Quotes
It's kind of fun to do the impossible.
Walt Disney

All human beings have this burden in life to constantly figure out what's true, what's authentic, what's meaningful, what's dross, what's a hallucination, what's a figment,
what's madness. We all need to figure out what is valuable, constantly.
Maxine Hong Kingston

When the forms of an old culture are dying, the new culture is created by a few
people who are not afraid to be insecure.
Rudolf Bahro

People usually consider walking on water or in thin air a miracle. But I think the real miracle is not to walk either on water or in thin air, but to walk on earth. Every day we are engaged in a miracle which we don't even recognize: a blue sky, white clouds, green leaves, the black, curious eyes of a child -- our own two eyes. All is a miracle.
Thich Nhat Hanh

Everyone's life is under someone's control - it might as well be under your own so that you can direct your destiny.
Harry Tucker ( Strategy Adviser – Microsoft)

With laissez-faire and price atomic,
Ecology's Uneconomic,
But with another kind of logic
Economy's Unecologic.
Kenneth E. Boulding (1910 – 1993)
The Creative Corner

A Whimsical Commercial

The I Ching is the Chinese poetry of the future –
Throw sticks or coins; they resonate with your soul
The Co ching is my prose
to invent your future
It resonates with your voice
And elicits your choice

I used to think I knew
Who knew I knew?
I could gather my forces
And quote my sources
‘Cause I was meant
To win my every argument
This was a bad beginning
It’s how to lose by winning

When it comes to having fun
Two heads are better than one
And itching is
Better than bitching
According to the I Ching

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