1st class riffs and musings

Monday, February 06, 2006


My life has transformed since doing the Awaken the Dreamer(ATD) symposium -- in many ways.

I've again identified myself with the world, not limited to my neighborhood and friends. I have previously identified myself with 'the hungry.' They are my partners in ending their own hunger. But after 25 years of participating in that activity, it has devolved into an activity. The words are not accompanied by any real sense of partnership. ATD has returned me to my partnership and more, it has given me a new context for that partnership.

I no longer can hear the news the same way because I've read Confessions of an Economic Hit Man (by John Perkins).. John was one of the admitted villains of the world and reversed himself. He is one of the founders of The Pachamama Alliance (www.pachamama.org). It takes real courage to do that.

And I see the necessity for us to blend our cultures with the cultures of the world... But what we do is subvert their cultures to become ours. The consequences are enormous and tragic.


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