All You Have to Do
I have been moved by Cindy Sheehan, both politically and personally. Politically, because I believe Tip O’Neill was right – all politics is local. And Ms Sheehan has made this war local to every person.
Personally because I have to confront my own response to (what seems like) W’s illogic. A lot of my power in life comes from reconciling the differences between my attitudes and other people’s, particularly because I’m a coach and always need to be with others so that I can at least see things their way. And because I always think that I know and I’m right. I look at W.’s behavior here and I simply don’t understand. All he has to do is walk down his driveway and speak to this grieving mother, one of thousands. It wouldn’t be a photo op. It needn’t have significance and she doesn’t have to believe or even understand. But it would mollify the country (of course, it’s been so long now that it may only be a lose situation for him.)
I think of this often…”All you have to do is…” And I then have to back off and – if not understand – at least comprehend – that it’s not being done.
Personally because I have to confront my own response to (what seems like) W’s illogic. A lot of my power in life comes from reconciling the differences between my attitudes and other people’s, particularly because I’m a coach and always need to be with others so that I can at least see things their way. And because I always think that I know and I’m right. I look at W.’s behavior here and I simply don’t understand. All he has to do is walk down his driveway and speak to this grieving mother, one of thousands. It wouldn’t be a photo op. It needn’t have significance and she doesn’t have to believe or even understand. But it would mollify the country (of course, it’s been so long now that it may only be a lose situation for him.)
I think of this often…”All you have to do is…” And I then have to back off and – if not understand – at least comprehend – that it’s not being done.
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